Dwink Universal Juice Pouch Milk Box Toddler Cup Holder
It’s been said that creativity comes out of necessity. With Dwinkbox, now you don’t need to hold the drink for your children the entire time they’re drinking, or drink half of the drink before it’s safe enough for your kids to hold it themselves. Dwinkbox isn’t going to prevent all of your juice messes, but every little bit helps, doesn’t it? Here’s to making our lives just a little bit less messy!
Designed to fit most individual drink boxes and pouches, including soy milk and extra small juice boxes, Dwinkbox is an extra set of hands for you and your child. (shipping weight 1 lb)
Designed to fit most individual drink boxes and pouches, including soy milk and extra small juice boxes, Dwinkbox is an extra set of hands for you and your child. (shipping weight 1 lb)